ロラ エステリータ・ディ(2024年4月26日)



ロラ・エステリータは昨日、2024 年 11 月 24 日、愛する家族に見守られながら 94 歳で亡くなりました。







ロラ・エステリータ、安らかに眠ってください(Rest in power*)。あなたの勇気、知恵、そして平和への献身は、帝国主義に立ち向かい、正義のために戦う、何世代ものフィリピン人女性たちを永遠に鼓舞するでしょう。


*訳注:Rest in power は、正義が実現されないまま闘い半ばで亡くなった方に対し、遺された人たちがあなたの闘いを受け継ぐから安心して、安らかに眠ってくださいという意味の表現と解されます。


GABRIELA mourns the passing of Lola Estelita Dy, steadfast warrior for justice and peace

GABRIELA joins the nation in mourning the passing of Lola Estelita Dy, a brave survivor of Japanese military sexual slavery during World War II and a tireless advocate for justice and peace. 

Lola Estelita passed away yesterday, November 24, 2024, at the age of 94, surrounded by her loving family.

As a member of Lila Pilipina, an organization of Filipino comfort women who survived wartime sexual slavery under Japanese occupation, Lola Estelita dedicated her life to seeking justice and ensuring that the atrocities of war would never be repeated. Despite her advancing age and failing health, she remained a powerful voice against imperialism and militarization until her recent stroke.

Lola Estelita's unwavering commitment to educating younger generations about the horrors of war and occupation serves as a testament to her remarkable spirit.

Her passing comes at a critical time when the Philippines faces increasing militarization through the PH-Japan Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA), Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), and the increasing presence of US military and its allies. Her life story and advocacy remind us of the grave consequences of foreign military presence on civilian populations, particularly on women and children.

GABRIELA honors Lola Estelita's legacy by continuing the fight against all forms of military aggression,occupation, and violence against women. We call on the Filipino people, especially the youth, to remember her struggle and carry forward her mission for genuine justice, peace, and national sovereignty.

We demand that the Japanese government officially acknowledge, apologize, and provide just compensation for the systematic military sexual slavery during World War II. The fight of our remaining comfort women continues, and we will not rest until justice is served.

Rest in power, Lola Estelita. Your courage, wisdom, and dedication to peace will forever inspire generations of Filipino women to stand against imperialism and fight for justice.