

 記者会見をするロラたち。左:エステリータ・ディ(Estelita Dy)さん・92歳、右:ナルシサ・クラベリアさんNarcisa Claveria)さん・91歳



私たちは、国連人権理事会に日本が提出した第 4 回人権報告書において、日本が、戦時中に多数のアジア女性を軍隊性奴隷とした問題を再び無視することを選んだことに対し怒りを覚えます。




日本は他の国々からの勧告、特に中国や韓国が 2017 年の第 3 回サイクルの審査の際に出した勧告を完全に無視しました。


私たちはまた、日本が軍需物資の販売を通して、いかにフィリピンにおける政府開発援助プログラムを軍事化してきたかについても警戒します。これは、「防衛技術の移転」と合同軍事演習を可能にする両国間の軍事協定とは別に、米国との軍事協定に従属する臣下として、本質的にフィリピンを再び戦地へと引きずりこむものです。それはむしろ、日本が我が国を占領したことでいかに第二次世界大戦中に恐怖にさらされたかを呼び覚ますものです。とりわけ、多数のフィリピン女性が被った非人道的虐待及び、「マニラ市街戦」として知られる我が国の首都の完全破壊がそうです。これは、第二次世界大戦中の戦闘のなかで、欧州以外では最も激しいとされた戦いです。100 万人以上のフィリピン人が第二次世界大戦中に命を落としたと推計されています。









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  January 31, 2023

Lila Pilipina urges Japan, on the occasion of the Fourth Cycle of the United Nations’ Universal Periodic  Review of Human Rights in the country, to finally acknowledge its war crimes against Asian nations and take the necessary steps toward a fair and long overdue resolution of the “Comfort Women” issue.

We are outraged that Japan has chosen to once again ignore the issue of its wartime military sex slavery of thousands of Asian women in the fourth human rights report it submitted to the UN Human Right Council.

While declaring its achievements in various human rights areas such as trafficking in persons, promotion of women’s rights, anti-discrimination, hate speech, human rights education among others, the Japanese government was completely silent about the “comfort women’ system which is also at the core of these issues.

It also totally ignored the recommendations made by other countries - particularly China and South Korea during the Third Cycle Review in 2017 - for Japan to finally address this long-standing issue.

We are likewise alarmed by Japan’s aggressive actions toward war spending and production with the development of its missile and other “defense” capabilities. 
By allying itself with the US - the world’s  No. 1 purveyor of war - and hosting US bases in their own territory, the Japanese government is actually making itself, and the Asia-Pacific region, a magnet of attacks by the many enemies the US has created for itself with its long history of interventionism and war-mongering  in various parts of the world.

We are also alarmed by how Japan has militarized its Official Development Assistance programs in the Philippines through the sale of war material. This, aside from military treaties between the two countries allowing for “transfer of defense technology” and joint military exercises. This essentially drags the Philippines again into the theatre of war as a vassal of the US-military alliance.

 It is a rather painful reminder of how Japan’s wartime occupation of the country has subjected it to the horrors of World War II, particularly to the inhuman abuses inflicted on thousands of Filipino women and the total destruction of the nation’s capital now known as the “Battle of Manila’ - the fiercest battle outside of Europe that took place during World War II. Experts estimate at least a million Filipinos died in the said battle.

We are gravely concerned that all these are happening while Japan continues to play deaf to the calls for atonement and accession to the demands of victims of its wartime crimes. In effect, Japan is sending a message of invincibility and non-accountability that does not augur well even for the current generation who might find themselves at the losing end of Japan’s military build-up.

Thus, on the occasion of the UN UPR of Japan, Lila Pilipina reiterates its calls for Japan to come to a dialogue with Filipino “comfort women” for a final and just resolution of the issue.

Equally important, we call on Japan to stop its actions for war.

We call on the Philippine government to stand up for its citizens by raising the issue of Filipino “comfort women” during the Universal Periodic Review of Japan, and for the cessation of agreements allowing for military exercises in the country.

We urge the international community to support our calls for global peace, for the de-escalation of war spending by Japan and all other aggressor nations.