2023年に始まった一連の事件は、最近になってようやく公になった。おそらく日本国民の抗議を押しとどめようとして、日本の米軍当局と国家当局の両方が公の目に触れないようにしていたのだろう。 国際的な報道によれば、最新の事件は今年5月に発生した。
これらの事件は、数十年にわたる弱小国への軍事占領や軍事施設設置の歴史の中で、米兵が犯した性暴力事件の最新リストである。 これらの国々には、フィリピン、日本、韓国、コロンビア、イラク、70年代のアメリカのインドシナ侵攻時のベトナムなどが含まれる。
米国が対中封じ込め戦略においてアジア太平洋地域に軸足を移したことは、この地域の女性にとって良い結果をもたらさない。 彼女たちは、個々の兵士による性的暴力の被害を受けやすいだけでなく、米軍施設が活動する地域での性風俗取引の拡散によっても影響を受けるに違いない。
●LILA PILIPINA(リラピリピナ)は、第二次世界大戦中の「慰安婦」ー日本軍による性暴力を受けた被害女性たちの団体である。
LILA PILIPINA is an organization of World War II 'comfort women' - victims of wartime military sexual slavery by Japanese Imperial Army
Lila Pilipina expresses solidarity with the victims and their families, and the Okinawan people protesting the recent cases of military sexual violence committed by US servicemen in the island.
series of cases, which began in 2023, only recently came to public knowledge, kept out of the public eye by both US and national authorities in Japan, presumably in an attempt to stifle protests by the Japanese people. The latest case, according to international news reports, occurred in May this year.
These cases involved kidnappings and sexual assault against young Okinawan women and girls committed by US soldiers. Okinawa hosts several US bases in the island and has a Status of Forces Agreement ( SOFA ) with the US which supposedly includes guidelines on the handling of cases of erring soldiers stationed or on missions in Japan.
These cases come as the latest in a long list of sexual violence cases committed by US soldiers in its decades-long history of military occupation of weaker countries or where it installs military facilities. These countries include the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Colombia, Iraq, Vietnam during the 70’s US invasion of Indochina and others. Justice in majority of these cases have not been rendered and many victims continue to struggle for justice or recognition to this day, or still carry the trauma brought about by their experience in the hands of American soldiers.
That the US has pivoted to the Asia-Pacific region in its containment strategy against China does not portend well for women of the region. They are not only rendered vulnerable to acts of sexual violence committed by individual soldiers but are bound to be affected as well by the proliferation of the sex trade in areas where US military facilities operate.
Worse, in the Philippines, US political and economic dominance has never really made justice fully possible for victims of sexual violence perpetrated by US troops.
Lila Pilipina echoes the calls of the Okinawan peoples for justice for the victims and the removal of the US Bases in Japan.
We reiterate as well calls for the scrapping of military agreements between the US and the Philippine governments that allow the use of Philippine territory for the war operations of the US and its Western allies.
Militarism and wars of aggression have always bred not just the massive destruction of lives and properties. Rape and other forms of abuse against women of the occupied nation have always been utilized by occupying powers as a weapon for subjugating peoples. Lila Pilipina has struggled for justice for comfort women and will always support the struggles of victims of other cases of military sexual violence.