〈韓国女性団体連合 〉[共同声明] 116の国際市民社会団体 尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)・韓国大統領当選者の 「女性家族部廃止公約」撤回要求声明書
韓国女性団体連合 2022.04.04
(1) 116の国際・海外女性人権の市民社会団体は4月3日(日)、尹錫悦・韓国大統領当選人の「女性家族部廃止公約の撤回」を要求する合同署名を発表した。
(2) ともに声明を発表した国際市民社会団体は、
「女性主要グループ(Women's Major Group」[1](国連持続可能な発展プロセス並びに主要女性人権国際会議核心交渉パートナー、1500を超える各国女性団体の連合体)、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(Human Rights Watch;世界100か国余の人権状況を毎年モニタリングして報告書を発刊する国際人権団体、国際女性連盟(International Alliance of Women;1902年に創立され、国際的な女性参政権運動の核心的役割を果たし、現在も女性の人権の国際規範に関する主要交渉パートナー)、女性と法、開発に関するアジア太平洋フォーラム (Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)=アジア太平洋30か国265女性団体のネットワーク〉、アフリカ女性の発展とコミュニケーション・ネットワーク(FEMNET- African Women’s Development and Communication Network=アフリカ49か国800以上の女性団体ネットワーク)、平等と連帯のためのアラブ女性ネットワーク(Arab Women’s Network for Parity and Solidarity )などだ。この他にもアジア、アフリカ、北・南アメリカ、オセアニア、欧州などの世界各国で女性人権活動を展開している100余りの団体が声明に参加した。
(3) 国際市民社会団体は、韓国の尹錫悦大統領当選人が「韓国社会に構造的な性差別はない」と述べ、「女性家族部廃止公約」を核心に掲げた点に強い憂慮を表明した。国連女性地位委員会アジア太平洋グループ議長であり、国連人権理事国として国際社会で性平等規約に重要な役割を占めている韓国政府が、性平等増進の責任と役割を認識し、「女性家族部廃止公約」を撤回し、女性家族部の権限と役割強化のため、具体的で現実的な方法を整えるよう要求した。特に、適切な予算と人員が保障された性平等政策の専門部署の必要性は重要で普遍的な国際基準であり、すでに北京行動綱領(1995) 並びに国連女性地位委員会の合意決議にも明示されていると強調した。
2022年 4月 3日 116国際市民社会団体
April 3, 2022
Signed by 116 global civil
society organizations and 17 Gender Scholars/Independent Feminist Activists
Congregation of Our Lady of
Charity of the Good Shepherd (Global), Equality Now (Global) Development
Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)(Global) Global Network of Sex Work
Projects (NSWP)(Global) International Alliance of Women (Global) MenEngage Global
Alliance (Global) Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (Global) Women's
Major Group (Global) Human Rights Watch (Global)
Arab Women Network for
Parity & Solidarity (Arab region) Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and
Development (APWLD)(Asia-Pacific) Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for
Women (ARROW) (Asia-Pacific) Beijing-SDG5 Facilitation Group
(Asia-Pacific) Cross-Regional Center for Refugees and Migrants (MENA, Gulf, and
Euro-Mediterranean Regions)ERA - LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western
Balkans and Turkey (Western Balkans and Turkey) FEMNET- African Women’s
Development and Communication Network (Africa) International Women's Rights
Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) (Asia-Pacific) Migrant Forum in Asia
(Asia-Pacific) Sangat (South Asia)
ACbit (Timor Leste)Acción
Ciudadana por la Democracia y el Desarrollo (Ecuador)ACLCVBG (Cape Verde)Adéquations
(France) All Women Action Society (AWAM)(Malaysia) Amihan National Federation of
Peasant Women (Philippines) Arab Women Organization of Jordan (Jordan) Asian
Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (Philippines) Association ESE (North
Macedonia) Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM) (India) Beyond Borders
Malaysia (Malaysia) Blind Women Association – Nepal (Nepal) Centro Alma Sabatini
(Italy) Coordinadora de la Mujer (Bolivia) Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for
Equality (Fiji) Education for Social Justice Foundation (United States) Ekologi
Maritim Indonesia (EKOMARIN)(Indonesia) Equal opportunities office, LaUnited
Statesnne University (Switzerland) Equality Rights Alliance (Australia) Equidad
de Genero ciudadania trabajo y familia (Mexico) Eur (Germany) Fiji Women's Rights
Movement (Fiji) FOKUS - Forum for Women and Development (Norway) Fondation Eboko
(France) Fondazione Pangea (Italy) Foundation for Women (Thailand)Fund for
Congolese Women (Democratic Republic of Congo)Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto
a la diversidad sexual (México) Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar,
A. C. MEXFAM(México) Gender Equity: Citizenship, Work and Family (Mexico) Gender
Solution (Poland) Gender-Centru (Republic of Moldova) GenDev Centre for Research
and Innovation (India) Good Shepherd Sisters (South Korea) Hackney Green Party
(United Kingdom) Independent citizen (Malaysia) Japan Women’s Watch
(Japan) Karapatan (Philippines) Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights
Policy (KOCUN) (South Korea) Kyiv Institute for Gender Studies
(Ukraine) MADPET-Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (Malaysia)Manushya
Foundation (Thailand) MARIJÀN (Haïti) MSI Reproductive Choices (United
Kingdom) Nabi United States Washington DC (United States) Nashinoki Peace Academy
(Japan) National Indigenous Women Forum (NIWF)(Nepal) National Council of Women
of Ukraine, Centre for Social and Gender Research (Ukraine) Network of Women's
Rights of Ghana (NETRIGHT)(Ghana) New Women Foundation (Egypt) Nijera Kori
(Bangladesh) PA Women's organization Alga (Kyrgyzstan) Pacific Human Rights
Initiative (Samoa) PacificwinPacific (Australia) Partners of Community
Organisations (PACOS)(Malaysia) Penang Gandhi Peace Centre (Malaysia) People's
Empowerment Foundation (Thailand) Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
(Malaysia) Pertubuhan Solidariti Hijau Kuantan
(Malaysia) PO"Otifa"(Tajikistan) POURAKHI Nepal (Nepal) Punjab Women
Collective (India) PUPA(Indonesia) ReFocus Consulting (Canada) Religious of the
Sacred Heart of Mary (United States) Roots for Equity (Pakistan) Rumpun
(Yogyakarta Indonesia) S.P.Jain Institute of Management & Research
(SPJIMR)(India) Shobujer Ovijan Foundation (SOF)(Bangladesh) Sisters in Islam
(Malaysia) Social Health and Empowerment Youth Initiative (Uganda) Society for
the Promotion of Human Rights (Malaysia) Solidaritas
Perempuan(Indonesia) Soroptimist International (United Kingdom) Southern African
Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD)(Zambia) Stephanie
Ortoleva Consulting (United States) Sukaar Welfare Organization (Pakistan) Teoh
Beng Hock Trust for Democracy (Malaysia) The Foundation for Elimination of
Violence Against Women "Mitra Perempuan"(Indonesia) The Gender Lens
(United Kingdom) The William Gomes Podcast (United Kingdom) The WomanStats
Project (United States) Unchained At Laat (United States) United Reformed Church/
World Communion of Reformed Churches (United Kingdom) Viluthu (Sri Lanka) We
Women Lanka (Sri Lanka)Women Engage for a Common Future - WECF
(Netherlands) Women In The Loop Ltd. (United Kingdom) Women Studies and Resource
Center (Philippines) Women's Coalition-Turkey (Turkey) Women's NGOs Cooperation
Network of Latvia (Latvia) Women's Support and Information Centre NPO
(Estonia) WSCFAP (Hong Kong) WWHR - New Ways (Turkey) YAPESDI(Indonesia) Young
Feminists Collective (Philippines) YUWA(Nepal) Sandra Fahy (Carleton University,
Canada) Margaret Holland (Columbia University, United States) Nur Aini (Freelance
Consultant, Indonesia) Leroy Romane (Graduate student, South Korea) Erlinda Binti
Joseph (Lindu) (Independent Gender Consultant, Malaysia) Eunha Kim (South
Korea) Suguna Papachan (Malaysia) Marina PervinJuthi (Initiative for Right View
(IRV), Bangladesh) Matthew Girsangv (Indonesia) Miyeon Choi (South Korea) Talisha
Schilder (Leiden University, the Netherlands) Mabel Bianco (Feminist Medical
Doctor, Argentina) Ruth Mbone (Kenya) Daniela Jaukv(United States) Ho Yock Lin
(Feminist Activist, Malaysia) Dale Snauwaert (University of Toledo, United
States) Yuenmei Wong (Feminist Researcher, Malaysia)